New Year Inte tion Card
Hey thank you for checking out my blog I pulled this card from the Earth Warriors Oracle deck on the Eve of New Year's Eve with the intention to carry a message to all of my Wealth Activators contemplating this upcoming new year. This card, Aiyana Vision, represents the way of the divine feminine revealed and the transits happening exactly at midnight of 2022 (depending on where you live) are all about the divine feminine . This card represents the blossoming awareness of your life purpose and true inner Passion. So the divine feminine is the love and the support and the nurturing accompanying you as you fight whatever is inside of you and outside of you whatever forces are holding you back from being your true authentic powerful self . It's those dreams that you've had that you've put aside it's that impostor syndrome that you're letting take over your mind is that Boss who is pushing you to be back to work full time when you know you're more productive at home. So I encourage you to meditate on this card; the beauty the transformation and transmission as you set your intentions for 2022. It's your permission to follow those dreams, embrace that vision, push through the pain, the loss, the hurt the grief of the life that you have now so that you can be free to embrace the life that you desire.
#11Aiyana Vision
Earth Warrior Oracle Card by Alana Fairchild